Had an awesome day with my 3.5 year old today. (My wife is away for the night). We went for a coffee and hot chocolate at a cafe on the beach this morning. Went out for sushi lunch. Did some chores at home. Then down the beach again to play in the waves for a bit. Back home for bath. Now sitting on the couch, my daughter is watching a Pepa Pig DVD and eating dinner while I sit with her drinking a Bayleys on ice. \m/
eh. he's been bad as fuck lately, but i think most of it is because he's having to adjust to having the new baby around. he talks back a lot right now and "spanks" me and his mother when he doesn't get his way. it's kinda funny sometimes, but i get sick of having to beat his ass so much
He'll settle down. We have good days/bad days with naughtiness. We threaten the naughty corner if necessary and it normally works. My wife gets frustrated that our daughter won't listen and you'll have to ask her 3 x before she'll answer us or do something
Went to open skate with the kids tonight. I was watching my oldest son, who turns 12 in about a week, just kinda bounce around talking and flirting with easily over a dozen different groups of teen girls at the rink. Every where I look, he's chatting away at the girls and the pre poon are competing for his attention.
I'm so glad I have no daughters. I've got 3 boys, so I only have to worry about 3 dicks... with a daughter you have to worry about every dick in town.
I was talking about being me...
2/10 wnb
Shortly after this photo was taken my nylon broke and the kite sailed off into the surf
I'm so glad I have no daughters. I've got 3 boys, so I only have to worry about 3 dicks... with a daughter you have to worry about every dick in town.