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Arizona Metal (Check out the local scene around here)

zhangfeizhangfei Posts: 26 salt miner
In no particular order here are some of the bands that I work with in our local scene. Check them out and toss them a like on FB if you are into it, all links are here, all you gotta do is click. Please do not turn this into what band is what genre, I am not into that whole thing and just came up with what I thought it sounded like.

Vehemence (Phoenix)

Genre: Death Metal/Melodic Death

Viraemia (Phoenix)

Genre: Tech death (12 string bassist that is INSANE)

Apparitions (Phoenix)

Genre: Metalcore/Tech Death

Scattered Guts (Mesa)

Genre: Stoner Thrash

Fetal Disgorge (Phoenix)

Genre: Slam/Brutal Death metal

Composer Meet Corpse (Phoenix)

Genre: Metalcore

Hateshred (Goodyear)

Genre: Death Metal/Metalcore

Meathook (Phoenix)

Genre: Death Metal/Brutal Death Metal

Genocaust (Tucson)

Genre: Brutal Death Metal/Slam Metal/Tech Death

Vivicide (Phoenix)

Genre: Death Metal

Hemoptysis (Phoenix)

Genre: Thrash Metal/Punk

Howitzer (Phoenix)

Genre: Metalcore/Hardcore/Punk


  • jagjag Posts: 5,033 destroyer of motherfuckers
    There is a member here named Alex from Arizona. Im sure he can add and vouch for these.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Hi. I'll add my input when I get to mt computer in like 20 min.
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Also, chances are we've actually met at shows.
    I love winning with women
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Mount Computer?? :-O
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I think he lives in Tempe, isn't there where you live Alex?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    ASU's campus is in tempe yes
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Just starting out, going down the line...

    Vehemence I've seen once, plus Nathan's side project who's name I can't remember. But they opened for Exhumed in March. Both were pretty good, I prefer Vehemence a little more.

    Apparitions I've never seen, although one of the times I got to the venue late (All Stars 12 I think?) I hear they're really good, and they're getting a lot of attention lately. My friends went to see Cattle Decap do that headlining show back in January I believe at The Clubhouse and I think they were there.

    Scattered Guts I know pretty well. Seen them a couple times. I first saw them open for... I think it was Obscura in November. The day before Thanksgiving last year. I could be wrong, though. I know at least one time I saw them was at Clubhouse. Maybe it was for Exhumed in 11. I dig them, though.

    Vivicide I know even better. My friends are big fans of them and they're nice dudes. Seen them a few times. Summer Slaughter 12, Born Of Osiris a couple weeks ago, and SFU/Dying Fetus at RPC. They're cool.

    Composer Meet Corpse I saw open for Exhumed at Clubhouse, that I'm sure of. They had the torso banners, right? Kind of cool from what I recall.

    Hemoptysis I've heard of, but never listened to.

    Howitzer I saw at BRNOTD two years ago. I actually did photos for that show. They were sweet.

    The others I've not heard of, actually. I'll definitely look more into them, though.

    I work at the ASU radio station ( in the metal department ( I'm assuming you know Kim from 13thFloor? She(they) are friends of ours, as well as Michelle and the Mantooth guys.

    And like I said, chances are we've met, or at least you've seen me.

    And if you're familiar with Jon Delarosa and his show Into The Void, I'm a good friend of his.
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  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Oh yeah, I should probably use this opportunity to plug our site.
    I love winning with women
  • zhangfeizhangfei Posts: 26 salt miner
    edited November 2012
    that's a pretty sweet gig you got going on at ASU. My promotions company is "Eargrind Promotions". I have had a couple shows at ubs and the big fish pub. I like to get brutal bands to play, if you went to any shows with Putrid Pile, Rottenness, Meat Shits, Gutfucked or Extremely rotten recently it was my show. I could never get a gig at clubhouse (before that shooting,) or RPC. Kim owns the RPC and doesn't do business with me. I was trying to get decrepit birth last year and she has the pantheon agency on lockdown and they made me get the ok from her first, which i think to her was like moving in on her turf. So i can never get a show at RPC, which sucks because its a cool venue.

    You might have seen me do guest vocals with scattered guts, they are long time friends of mine and i have done death metal vocals with Ruben a bunch of times. I actually might take over on vocals for them for a year, depending on what goes down in court.

    As far as the local bands go you really need to check out viraemia, they are INSANE. i got then to play once and that dude on bass is jaw droping. Dude is one of a kind.

    You going to dying fetus/cattle decapitation/cerebral bore at RPC?
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Never heard of Eargrind. That's cool, though. And I may have seen you do guest box, not sure. Is SG in a legal battle or something?

    And yes, I'll be at Dying Fetus.

    I update my shows on the Upcoming Shows Thread and recap in the corresponding thread. My next show is the free Witch Mountain/Castle gig at Yucca.

    I'll definitely check out Viraemia.
    I love winning with women
  • zhangfeizhangfei Posts: 26 salt miner
    Nah just legal troubles with personal members. Yeah, if you smoke i will be smoking with travis ryan and crew after show, hopefully all out party if the guys are not too tired.
  • zhangfeizhangfei Posts: 26 salt miner
    And anyone else check some off these bands out? You like any of them or do you think Alaska has a more solid local scene.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Viraemia fears Slaughterbox
  • zhangfeizhangfei Posts: 26 salt miner
    Never heard slaughterbox before and i just checked them out. I think viraemia is way better.
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