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don't worry, i'm still alive

SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
I still don't have power though. My street got FUCKED up. Some trees came down. One telephone pole snapped in half and is laying across a small side street that's off of my road. Another tree came down took a telephone pole with it. The pole wires were holding up the tree about 7 feet above the road. There was wires all over the tree so only the power company was allowed to cut it They finally cut the tree yesterday but didn't fix anything else. I think the only reason why they cut it as soon as they did was because the night before some poor woman on my street had a heart attack and the ambulances couldn't fit under the tree and they were a good 500 feet from her house and there's no other way in. The street ends in a coldesack (sp?). We were able to get our cars under the tree though so a cop hauld ass down the street and put her in his car and brought her to the ambulances. Other than that you guys probably know more about what's going on then I do. I haven't been able to see much news . I did here that my county (susses county, nj) got the wosrt of the wind. I heard that some winds in our county were over 100 mph. Apparently we're supposed to get another nor'easter (not as bad as sandy) next week but this time with snow. Hopefully I'll get power soon. I hope everyone else on this site from the east coast is ok. Sorry for the wall of text.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie


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