A long car chase through rural Arizona aired on Fox News and ended tragically with the suicide of the carjacker.
Fox had been following the pursuit since a little before 3:00 p.m. ET, as the red vehicle weaved at speeds of 110 mph on an Arizona freeway and then on a dirt road west of Tonopah.
After pulling over in the middle of nowhere, the criminal slowly emerged from the car and looked disoriented. Smith continuously noted that he was “nervous” and had a bad feeling about what was happening, and he did not see this ending well.
The man then left his vehicle and ran out into an open field before pulling out a gun and shooting himself on live television. Host Shepard Smith yelled at the show’s crew to “get off” the video immediately, before the network cut to commercial break.
http://www.mediaite.com/tv/graphic-carjacker-shoots-self-on-live-television-at-end-of-high-speed-chase/video is on the site. its not insanely graphic but its enough to fuck with your head
He coulda just tok it off...
this one happened in 1998. after a long car chase in LA, a man sets his car on fire, then pulls out a shotgun and shoots himself in the chin. This one is graphic
Question I have is how do you all feel about the suicides happening live? And if you know anything about either do you think what they were trying to say worked?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
An investigation was undertaken by the United States Attorney. Dwyer was charged with agreeing to receive kickbacks worth $300,000 in return for using his office to steer the contract toward CTA. The US Attorney also indicted Torquato, Torquato's attorney William Smith, Smith's wife and Bob Asher, the former Republican Party Chairman for the State of Pennsylvania. In return for lighter sentences, Torquato and the Smiths pled guilty and testified on behalf of the Federal government against Dwyer and Asher. In 2010, Smith revealed in a documentary about the case that he had given false testimony under oath.[6]