You prolly haven't hit a good one yet then. All the vapes I used before my friend's kinda sucked. He got a really nice one half off on 4/20 last year. You prolly have to drop a couple hundred to get a nice vape.
Went to smoke with a buddy (same guy who had the Yocan Thor) and he packs one up, takes a hit and hands it to me. He saved me half a green hit so I flamed the other side and hand it back. He cashed it out, packs it, hands me a half a green hit again. Flame the other side, hand it back. He cashed it again, packs a different strain. Repeat the exact same process a few more times. I glance at the two ashtrays he is cashing into, and they are overflowing with barely burned weed.
Me - "Boy, you sure dont burn those bowls down very far, do ya?" pointing at the ashtrays.
Him - looks - "Huh, guess not. I like green hits."
"hey you guys like weed? I like weed. lets get our weed out and compare it. here, ill take pictures, say cheese and tell me what you like most about your weed"
steam roller > volcano
Glass > vapes
Looks like a flux capacitor, kicks you right in the dick. 11/10, This guy approves. might have to get one.
it looks like rosie jetsons dildo
Me - "Boy, you sure dont burn those bowls down very far, do ya?" pointing at the ashtrays.
Him - looks - "Huh, guess not. I like green hits."
Then he pulled out Thor.