>need glass screen to make atmos pen more of a legitimate vape >go to shop >ask if the ones they have will fit the one I have(point to pen model on shelf) >yeah bro you good >3.99, smd, whatever >get home >place it in >stuck >fuck >... >use dab tool to try and fish it out >goes deeper >why jesus >tweezers >got it >call the place >"just so you know, it didnt fit." >"oh yeah bro you probably need the mini model
better get high
Still high as fuck though \m/
>go to shop
>ask if the ones they have will fit the one I have(point to pen model on shelf)
>yeah bro you good
>3.99, smd, whatever
>get home
>place it in
>use dab tool to try and fish it out
>goes deeper
>why jesus
>got it
>call the place
>"just so you know, it didnt fit."
>"oh yeah bro you probably need the mini model