Got my replacement iPonic unit all hooked up and online. Being able to check in online and adjust settings from anywhere is pretty sweet, plus now I will get alerts to my phone if the temps get too high, co2 levels drop or the humidity goes out of whack.
The iponic people were awesome to deal with for customer service, and they even sent me the replacement unit before I sent the damaged one in so I could just unplug and swap them out so I didn't have to go without co2 controls for a few weeks \m/
Someone really like the platinum.
Got my replacement iPonic unit all hooked up and online. Being able to check in online and adjust settings from anywhere is pretty sweet, plus now I will get alerts to my phone if the temps get too high, co2 levels drop or the humidity goes out of whack.
The iponic people were awesome to deal with for customer service, and they even sent me the replacement unit before I sent the damaged one in so I could just unplug and swap them out so I didn't have to go without co2 controls for a few weeks \m/
my cuz claims he has dat SLH
Gonna try to head over to his place today and check it out
'jawto' would have been better
Haha should be legit he's not a fuckin idiot and he has no reason to lie
absolute poverty, tim. absolute poverty.
It's been 24 hours since my last hit. Tolerance break officially over.
Sounds rough.
Yesterday's menu: SLH
Today's menu: SLH
Tomorrow's menu: SLH
Life is good.
I got dat Mango right now. Goddamn this shits dense as hell.
fuck yeah
) \m/ \m/ \m/