Aight so found a connect. My usual weed guy. Said he has the all white acid tabs wit no taste and it's 100% LSD, .035 grams per tab. If that's all accurate, which he's never been a shady dude by my judgment, has the best weed in my city, then how fucked would I be after 2 tabs? Lmao.
was watching TV today with my mom and some dumb bitch said that people get drugs from the gang members. I turned my mom and said I don't know one gang member.
Just like I'd rather buy from one of my 2 main niggas. But sometimes you don't have the luxury and gotta go all in. And anytime I've had to, at worst I got shit that simply wasn't as good as the usual, but never anything that was bad.
Prolly gonna sleep like shit tonight :-<