Not trying to make and argument for or against it. Just saying I enjoyed the shit out of it personally. There was a moment of pure bliss that i haven't quite felt on acid. That being said I don't think I can handle getting it in on robo, acid is a different story.
Hey erik when you have the bottles do you drink them with anything or just shoot em? I'm thinking about just drinking it casually next time to see if it makes that big of a difference.
I've done both. Most of the time I take the pills, but when I take the syrup, I chug it most of the time, but I've made "Robo lean" as well, and sipped it over the course of about 30 minutes. You get just as high, but it creeps up on you. Pretty dope actually.
Also, I know you don't like Hip Hop/RnB or don't listen to it much, but next time you take Robo, you NEED to listen to some chopped and screwed Weeknd or A$AP. Chopped and screwed shit in general really. Perfection.
Yeah chugging it the shit didn't creep at all. I drank it before I walked into this store across the street from my friends, by the time I walked out I was like "holy shit I don't even know if I can drive" But yeah it was literally across the street. I'm wide open, especially if it's good shit to trip to so I'll check it out. Same to you though, check out Animal Collective, specifically Applesauce. That's some trippin music.
I'm trying to stick with eighths. I'll smoke a quarter just as fast as an eighth because the bag starts out bigger so I just blow through it. At 8.30 an hour I can't afford to be doing that shit.
> make this argument with people
> watch their facial reactions
> ???
> lawl
I had it bad on Sunday lmfao.
Hey erik when you have the bottles do you drink them with anything or just shoot em? I'm thinking about just drinking it casually next time to see if it makes that big of a difference.