>get out of work >pull into garage >friend calls >"hey man what are you up to?" >"nothing really... just got home from work and probably gonna have a few drinks and watch tv. why?" >"Im on your side of town since I had an errand. let me come get you in ten minutes and Ill smoke you out."
>get out of work >pull into garage >friend calls >"hey man what are you up to?" >"nothing really... just got home from work and probably gonna have a few drinks and watch tv. why?" >"Im on your side of town since I had an errand. let me come get you in ten minutes and Ill smoke you out."
No chance in hell that passes right now....unless there are other laws they want passed hidden in the bill...I'll have to read the whole thing.....it will probably be on the ballot here in Michigan next presidential election
>pull into garage
>friend calls
>"hey man what are you up to?"
>"nothing really... just got home from work and probably gonna have a few drinks and watch tv. why?"
>"Im on your side of town since I had an errand. let me come get you in ten minutes and Ill smoke you out."
Those are the best phone calls :x
Watch when I post a pic wit a nice kill yourself written on the baggy.