It's just cause your probably smoking a lot of the same strains...I smoke wax daily and that's 90ish percent thc....and when I smoke weed I still get ripped cause its different
I smoke a fattie,... and need another one in an hours time or less.
but my tolerance is ridiculous.
That's really fucking sad.
How is having a high tolerance sad? I don't think it's sad you like to dabble with cough syrup sometimes...weed is not only a good thing but good for you....why not smoke as much as you can?
I smoke a fattie,... and need another one in an hours time or less.
but my tolerance is ridiculous.
That's really fucking sad.
How is having a high tolerance sad? I don't think it's sad you like to dabble with cough syrup sometimes...weed is not only a good thing but good for you....why not smoke as much as you can?
Yea, you don't find it sad because keyword "Sometimes.", in 2 years, I've robotripped prolly 10 times. If you smoke a fat blunt, and in an hour's time, feel like you NEED another one, yea, that's sad as Hell.
Why though? I mean my tolerance could compete with any one here...maybe I don't need to smoke another one but that doesn't mean I don't want one lol. When I chill with buddies we literally will just sit and smoke for 8 hours...I just like the taste and the whole ordeal of smoking...I'd smoke 24/7 if I could...I am a much calmer laid back person when I'm high
just like anything else in life weed should be smoked in moderation.. if your smoking like 6 joints a day and your also a full time father idk sounds kinda fucked up to me.. but every handles weed deffirently, im a huge lightweight and since you go on planes and shit high as balls no prob maybe you can handle.. i just think for the average person thatd be kinda fucked up as a parent
I am a true pothead tho, and weed does not affect me like it does other people. I have a friend that cannot smoke more than 2 hits. If he takes 3 hits,..... his night is over with. For lunch at work,... I can sometimes get him to take 1 hit. If he takes 2,... he cannot return to work without cutting himself on something or not being able to read a ruler. lol. Me on the other hand,... I smoke a joint solo and return to work energized and ready to concentrate on the task at hand.
Speaking of weed,.... it's time to blaze one up. Well,... half of one. I hate moderation.
I use to smoke TONS of weed and I mean Tons I developed a high tolerance to it But as stated earlier I quit because of the Tinnitus...weed is 1 of the many causes of tinnitus and since I stopped my ringing is barelt there and I am so thankful for that. I want to burn 1 so bad and just play some video games but I won't. Not worth it. That fucking ringing drove me nuts. My kids never saw me smoke neither. I hid that shit.
No shit...I had no idea but I have read SO much shit about that condition. That came up alot so I was like well...let me quit the weed and see what far so good
I developed a high tolerance to it
But as stated earlier I quit because of the Tinnitus...weed is 1 of the many causes of tinnitus and since I stopped my ringing is barelt there and I am so thankful for that.
I want to burn 1 so bad and just play some video games but I won't. Not worth it.
That fucking ringing drove me nuts.
My kids never saw me smoke neither. I hid that shit.