I don't really play video games much when high, but I remember the first time I did, it was NBA 2K12 wit my Cousin, and we were in the middle of the game, and I was just like "Man...this game looks so fucking beautiful.", he fucking lost it, 'causing me to do the same, and we had to pause the game for like 5 minutes. )
I usually have that mentality. Once I was stoned in school and we had to read in class so I wasn't able to talk to my friend much, but at the end of the period he came over and was like "you're high right now..."
To this day I don't know how he was able to tell. My eyes don't get bloodshot at all.
the thing that annoys the shit out of me is when my roommate constantly has to bring up the fact that Im high. I walk into the living room "hey you're high aren't you??" go to get a drink "Robert are you high?" other roommates come home "hey roberts high" WHO FUCKING CARES!! that shit is just annoying
To this day I don't know how he was able to tell. My eyes don't get bloodshot at all.
gonna smoke some blunts and go to bdubs with my boy and watch some games later \m/