Well I think it was also my friend's weed, because my other buddy smoked like 1 rip and said he was hella paranoid. I took like 5-6 fat bong rips. It wasn't a good night.
Lmao. I've been super fucking stoned like when I first started or coming off a long break but I've never thought I was going to have a heart attack or paranoid to the point where I thought I was in danger
Smoked the dopest dope I ever smoked yesterday. My Cousin brought this super loud shit, I could tell I was in for a treat as soon as he broke it out, 'cause the room immediately smelled like we had just smoked an O in that bitch. He's like "You're gonna hate smoking this, you know we're heavyweights, and this shit is the only bud that's made us cough in a while, I know your ass is gonna be choking and turning blue, but you'll love that you did as soon as you feel the effects.". Sure enough, choked like fucking crazy, it was bad, but OOHWEE DAT HIGH BOI. We only smoked 1 blunt to start off, and after a good 7-8 big hits, I was fucking retarded, my vision was blurring and shaking, and everyone started taking a video game-ish texture, like shinier and more defined. I was forced to walk down the stairs like an old man 'cause my balance was fucked, and I just bombed into the couch, and as soon as I closed my eyes, there was Music playing, so my mind was making these crazy ass visualizations along to the beat of the Music, like a visualizer, but there was shit like faces and just abstract designs and shit in there. Shit was fucking amazing. Best part of it? He gave me a fatass sack of the exact same shit to smoke on my own as a birthday gift. B-)
I only smoke like once a month so I don't have much of a tolerance
I blacked out a good 10 minutes. my friends say I just rocked and occasionally yelled.
I was once so stoned that I spun out and chundered everywhere
What about chucked?