A popper is when you take tobacco out of the end of your cigarette, cigar, or whatever, and pack the end with weed instead. I use Djarum-brand Cloves because they burn slower and they taste better.
I like to be conservative.
nah a popper is a home made bong, typically made from a pop bottle. you do pack a bit of tobacco into a bowl (without a screen) you then pack a bit of weed on top of the tobacco. when you smoke it, you only hold the flame to it until you just start to burn the tobacco, when this happens you toke as hard as you can "popping" the tobacco into the bong water and getting a big toke at the same time. they get you right ripped but i prefer to keep my tobacco and marijuana smoking separate
Everyone i smoke with uses them, they are handy. If me or my friend roll them though they dont even need one because Its tight enough the weed wont come out of the end
i liked mine at first to....but if i didn't clean it after pretty much every use then it would resin up my lips bad.....the only thing i liked about it was that it burned the weed slow
they get you right ripped but i prefer to keep my tobacco and marijuana smoking separate
Everyone i smoke with uses them, they are handy. If me or my friend roll them though they dont even need one because Its tight enough the weed wont come out of the end
Seriously I have never seen a joint with any form of filter in it