i re-upped last night and got a qp of loud for $1100. gonna sell most of it and make some money, then re-up again before the holiday and smoke all day pretty much for free
shit man last time i bought a qp of primo buds i only paid 675.00. i stopped dealing though when i realized i was smoking more then i was selling
where i am the max i can get for good weed is $10 a gram all the way up. i see some of the prices people on here pay and it blows my mind but i guess its all supply and demand and there happens to be lots of supply here to fill the demand
11. Smoking Pot is Legal for Medicine Purposes–Medicinal marijuana isn’t a very popular idea for good reason: Very little evidence suggests it helps do ANYTHING. For any claimed benefits, there are tons of other prescription medications that could help terminally ill patients take away the pain. So why smoke pot? No reason!
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
5. Smoking Pot Makes Me Laugh–Reading atheist’s arguments make me laugh. Watching a funny movie makes me laugh. Hearing a bible joke makes me laugh. I certainly don’t have to puff on some dead grass to do it, do you?
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
shit man last time i bought a qp of primo buds i only paid 675.00. i stopped dealing though when i realized i was smoking more then i was selling
11. Smoking Pot is Legal for Medicine Purposes–Medicinal marijuana isn’t a very popular idea for good reason: Very little evidence suggests it helps do ANYTHING. For any claimed benefits, there are tons of other prescription medications that could help terminally ill patients take away the pain. So why smoke pot? No reason!
i havent smoked since late february im losin' it!
The looks i get when i Buy tabacco-less wraps from a gas station are hilarious