Didn't wanna smoke 'cause of Insanity, but I'm seriously down and got too much shit on my mind, I need to get gone. Gonna cop a bag either today or tomorrow. I'll just save one of my Insanity meals for after I smoke, so I'll just eat that when the munchies hit.
I picked up some Iranian G-13 and now er'where I go, people think they smell a skunk. It's getting kinda annoying hearing it lol.
I went to a beer tasting at the zoo last year. My boy had something stinky as fuck and forgot it was in his pocket. When we were in line and all night people kept going, do you smell a skunk, I think there is a skunk walking around be careful, we were super paranoid but it's funny now.
Didn't wanna smoke 'cause of Insanity, but I'm seriously down and got too much shit on my mind, I need to get gone. Gonna cop a bag either today or tomorrow. I'll just save one of my Insanity meals for after I smoke, so I'll just eat that when the munchies hit.
u sound like a girl.."cant has a taco cuz meh figuer" man up lil bitchz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Didn't wanna smoke 'cause of Insanity, but I'm seriously down and got too much shit on my mind, I need to get gone. Gonna cop a bag either today or tomorrow. I'll just save one of my Insanity meals for after I smoke, so I'll just eat that when the munchies hit.
Didn't wanna smoke 'cause of Insanity, but I'm seriously down and got too much shit on my mind, I need to get gone. Gonna cop a bag either today or tomorrow. I'll just save one of my Insanity meals for after I smoke, so I'll just eat that when the munchies hit.
u sound like a girl.."cant has a taco cuz meh figuer" man up lil bitchz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i am not fluent in these tongues