goin back in time tonight and scraping resin for the fact that all my "buddies" are asleep lol.. Im using my steamroller that I got in April, its a straight chron peice that I've never cleaned... I'm getting substantially stoned :bz
Smoking resin is fucking gross. Everything that didn't make it into your lungs the first time you're putting in now. Not too mention it looks like tar.
That being said my stomach is wicked queasy so i'm gonna pack a bowl of some fresh greens to hopefully help it out.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Smoking resin is fucking gross. Everything that didn't make it into your lungs the first time you're putting in now. Not too mention it looks like tar.
That being said my stomach is wicked queasy so i'm gonna pack a bowl of some fresh greens to hopefully help it out.
you sir are not a true pot head if you will not smoke resin...in fact that state made me question your sexuality
Smoking resin is fucking gross. Everything that didn't make it into your lungs the first time you're putting in now..
there is nothing wrong with resin in the way that youre saying it.. its not like i was like.. hmmm Im gonna go home and smoke rezz.. I just couldnt find bud that late at night and wanted to get high...
yo tengo un gato en mis pantelones
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
That being said my stomach is wicked queasy so i'm gonna pack a bowl of some fresh greens to hopefully help it out.
you sir are not a true pot head if you will not smoke resin...in fact that state made me question your sexuality
yup hes gay