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  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "Aight, so, I'd still never smoke this bullshit, BUT, my friend has been selling and he made nearly $200 last month just from selling at school, and since I can get literally any kind of weed from my cousin, I might look into selling. Any tips? How to price it and shit?"

    Look dude, I've been smoking weed for a few years, and I've come to this conclusion. The only way to get caught, is if you're stupid. Only stupid people deal weed. I get all my weed from absolutely retarded people. It's not that easy, it's expensive, and it is just shady.

    Plus, only 200? He can't be that good of a dealer then...
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  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    idk about saying that all dealers are stupid. i know a few really smart dealers. But in general, yes, it is a stupid idea to sell pot. ESPECIALLY at school.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    They may be smart at dealing, but they're stupid. 100% of the time.
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  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    It depends on how you define stupid...they guy i buy from 90% of the time is actually the smartest guy i know booksmarts wise. But stupid or not, i love dealers because if it weren't for dealers, id have no plant lol.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    shrooms iz de shit
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If he were booksmart he would understand the possible ramifications of his actions and would know the risk he is taking.
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  • EriklZAMERICAEriklZAMERICA Posts: 80
    edited April 2010
    you make more money selling weed than you would a regular job
    that to me is book smart
    as long as you dont get caught
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    iv sold alot of weed, the key is to not just sell to any one....only sell to people that arnt stupid....but erik your to young to take that kind of risk
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "as long as you dont get caught"

    This phrase is used often whenever I talk to people about this. Granted I'm high 90% of the time I talk about this, but it's not logical. Initially, you start out selling only to your friends, you're exclusive, like Rexum said. But then, your friend calls you up and says hey, can my friend get some weed from you? Yeah sure, he's just a friend of a friend, it isn't a problem. Then you decide, "Hey, that went awesome! I'll start selling to a few more people." You keep going and going. The money makes you blind to how much of a risk you are taking. Just one small mistake, it doesn't even have to be a stupid mistake, and you're fucked.
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    thats why you dont let the money blind you....i could still do it and not get caught....but i dont want 2
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    It happens regardless. I've been in several situations where if this wasn't the chillest weed smoking area in the country, I'd be in jail, along with several friends of mine.
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    yeah i know it happen's ya just cant let that shit happen
  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    im just saying, ive studied with the guy and he's definitely book smart. He's helped me with alot of college math assignments this year. sorry if that didn't make sense im high as shit right now lol.
  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    wow last night was a great night lol. My friend broke my vaporizer whip tho :(
    oh well, only 10 bucks on ebay. BUT since the glass part on the whip broke i was able to scrape a good amount of res out, and i must say that vape res>>>>>normal res. 1 hit and i was pretty blazed.
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Posts: 10,361 balls deep
    vapor rezz??
    that sounds quite tasty
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  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    fuck yeah it was. It tasted weird and was super fucking sticky. I scraped the res with a paper clip and it was a bitch getting it from the paper clip into the bowl. There wasn't a ton of res, so we only got maybe 6 hits out of it, but that was enough to get 3 people high.
  • HeroOfWarHeroOfWar Posts: 95
    "bro, shrooming is one of my favorite hobbies. If you smoke ahead of time, it can weaken the trip. So if you decided to smoke wait a lil bit. Is this your first time? Cause if it is there are a few things I should probably enlighten you on"

    Yes, it is my first time. we're doing about 1.4-1.75grams each.

    "just depends on where you live and how much you could get it for
    but usually its like this
    1 gram=20
    2 grams=40
    1/8 (3.5 grams) = 60-75
    quarter (7 grams) = 120-140
    half oz (14 grams)= 215-230
    ounce (28 grams)= usually around 400"

    Either your getting ripped off completely or all you smoke is the highest grade shit out there. I usually smoke good mids, but they cost me 20/8th 40/quad. so i could get 3/4 of on 0 for what you're paying a quad and thats with no bulk discount.
  • destroyerofsensesdestroyerofsenses Posts: 483 salt miner
    actually his prices he listed are pretty much average for really good nug. At least where i live. A little high, but not too bad.
  • HeroOfWarHeroOfWar Posts: 95
    Where do you live...? I would never pay 20$ a gram. That's not even enough for a blunt.
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