3 recreational dispensary’s are now open in Massachusetts and I eventually want to go check it out but they are pricey. For an eighth they want $50. They also have long as fuck lines.
I just found a new connection who is selling me a half of some killer stuff for $80
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
when med first passed and shops opened here, 50 for an eighth was pretty standard. some places that had the really high end even wanted 60. now, you dont see much at all above 42, but most places are adopting $20-25 eighths, and the standard price for one not on sale of any kind is $30-35
isnt it amqzing how far pens have come in the past 4 years? you can bring those things anywhere there arent metal detectors and get high as a kite. joints are still my favorite but pens are the f u t u r e
Been awhile since I fucked with a pen. I've been smoking joints almost exclusively for the last or year or so. Still use the chillum quite a bit as well, but barely even touched my bong.
i agree tho. if theres one thread ill bump till the bitter end its this one.
I just found a new connection who is selling me a half of some killer stuff for $80
>corner the fuck out of the bowl
>pass it
>”it’s rolling”
>see lighter light
>get bowl back
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
That being said I'm taking a tolerance break