well erik, good luck with your seats, cause like i said earlier, you're more likely gonna get some old fart who insists that you sit down during Dream Theater, plus as your tall as shit
I don't think my ticket will be that bad i'm in the right 103 section but I'm in seat 1 so I'm kinda close to the middle section my view shouldn't be too bad
HEY! You get a reciept if you dont get a ticket. I totally lost mine though.. I have a book with about half my tickets. Until I decided to get organized, I just kept them in random places around my room, so I lost a good half of them.
i'm in the right 103 section but I'm in seat 1 so I'm kinda close to the middle section
my view shouldn't be too bad
I do.
I totally lost mine though..
I have a book with about half my tickets. Until I decided to get organized, I just kept them in random places around my room, so I lost a good half of them.