I could get you to the barrier. I'm allowed one guest
hmmm... :-?
I'll just wait I guess. I'm gonna have to pee as soon as I get there (I always do), and I'll want to get my shirt before hand. Plus, I'm going with 3 other people, and because of the paperless ticketing thing, I don't think we could split up. =/ But, if you want to give me your phone number so I can find you in the pit, maybe I could squeeze in closer to the front. The pit in Atlanta isn't big at all really.
wow i dont know if anyone cares at this point but i was looking through venue maps on ticketmaster the venue i am going to is nearly sold out no pavillion left. chicago however has tickets is most seats and even pit still available
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Streets, that wasn't funny at all. Some people actually like to be surprised for big shows like this. Keep it all in the spoiler thread please
I'll just wait I guess. I'm gonna have to pee as soon as I get there (I always do), and I'll want to get my shirt before hand. Plus, I'm going with 3 other people, and because of the paperless ticketing thing, I don't think we could split up. =/ But, if you want to give me your phone number so I can find you in the pit, maybe I could squeeze in closer to the front.
I don't know how I'm going to be able to restrict myself to buying one or two shirts....