1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
It's been quite a while since I've been on here lol. Anyway, I heard about the new Maiden tour and I am so freakin' excited, but I might have to travel outside of Texas for this tour... Either to Albuquerque or Denver. The Texas dates might be a potential conflict because I'll be heading to college next fall.
Ape, pick another venue. Make it work. Go hang out with Courtney in Philly if you don't want to come here. You were so anxious to see them again, and they'll be playing songs from arguably their best album.
I simply cannot afford to go and don't have a credit card for it. Maybe one day I'll finally see em :-<
Ape, pick another venue. Make it work. Go hang out with Courtney in Philly if you don't want to come here. You were so anxious to see them again, and they'll be playing songs from arguably their best album. Do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.