But honestly, this cop sounds like a complete twat.
But it's like people don't realize how ignorant saying stuff like "fuck the police". Either people say it to sound cool or they actually would rather be without law enforcement of any kind, which is retarded.
People shouldn't be able to become a cop unless they pass a mental test and go through more training. Such as for these kinds of situations, along with dogs and other animal situations. I'm really sick of cops shooting to kill instead of immobilize or wound because, "I felt my life or my partners was threatened".
But honestly, this cop sounds like a complete twat.
But it's like people don't realize how ignorant saying stuff like "fuck the police". Either people say it to sound cool or they actually would rather be without law enforcement of any kind, which is retarded.
People shouldn't be able to become a cop unless they pass a mental test and go through more training. Such as for these kinds of situations, along with dogs and other animal situations. I'm really sick of cops shooting to kill instead of immobilize or wound because, "I felt my life or my partners was threatened".
But they do go through mental tests and extensive training...
If you mean they should do more, then I agree. But saying they don't do them is false.
I know they go through drug busts, donno what's gonna happen when they pull someone over, etc. But someone without one arm and one leg cornered you waving a pen around? Guess we kill em cuz our lives are threatened 8-|
There is this thing where cops can immobilize, or wound in a threatening situation. But it seems more times than not, they shoot to kill
To be fair, the media only reports on this kind of stuff so it seems abundant.
Otherwise yahoo news would be filled with 200 articles daily titled "BREAKING NEWS: POLICE OFFICER FOLLOWS PROTOCOL" or "OFFICER IMMOBILZES ANGRY MAN, NO ONE INJURED"
Because the officer was a typical trigger happy pig
I've made the decision I will punch you in the face if I ever see you. People as stupid as you should not be allowed to breed let alone breathe.
LOLOLOLOL you mad boi
Fuck pigs
>Fuck pigs is socially acceptable >Fuck niggers isn't
Calling a cop a pig is not even comparable to calling a black guy a nigger.
It's still an example of prejudice. In this situation, not even I could argue that this guy is a "pig". There are plenty of cops out there who abuse their authority and they deserve every ounce of disrespect they get. But judging all members of a group based on negative opinions is exactly what prejudice is.
But it's like people don't realize how ignorant saying stuff like "fuck the police". Either people say it to sound cool or they actually would rather be without law enforcement of any kind, which is retarded.
If you mean they should do more, then I agree. But saying they don't do them is false.
if they're in a situation where it's their personal safety or the other person's, do you want them to do nothing?
and I'm not talking about the OT because that was fucked up
The other is the color of someones skin. Something you are born with and cannot change. Try again doe.
There is this thing where cops can immobilize, or wound in a threatening situation. But it seems more times than not, they shoot to kill
Otherwise yahoo news would be filled with 200 articles daily titled "BREAKING NEWS: POLICE OFFICER FOLLOWS PROTOCOL" or "OFFICER IMMOBILZES ANGRY MAN, NO ONE INJURED"
Lol what a fucking bitch.
Wait, it all makes sense now, I remember he said he wants to be a pig, already fits the physical description.