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The Black Dahlia Murder Review- 3/3/2010

MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
edited March 2010 in Off Topic
if this show is coming near you at all.......GO! it is well worth the ticket price.
i got to the around 8:30 i think and just chilled at the BDM merch booth. the guys were just there chilling and talking to everyone that came up and said hi. Trevor seemed a little pissed, but was nice and talk to me for about 30min. dude is funny. the venue was over packed and had a mile long line around the venue for people who didn't have tickets. i missed Augury and Hatesphere.

Obscura- GREAT! band live. they were amazing and they had the crowd moving and tearing up the place. the only bad thing about it was they had to cut their set short.

The Black Dahlia Murder-what can i say? fucking amazing live. everyone was just going crazy and there wasn't one time where i wasn't being moved all over the place. i ended up in the middle and then all the way to the left hand side, then all the way to the right, then all the way to the middle lol. it was crazy and Trevor was having fun.


set list in no order(sorry i think i am missing 1or 2 songs) *new

Black Valor*
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
Everything Went Black
Deathmask Divine
Christ Deformed*
Denounced, Disgraced*
Statutory Ape
Elder Misanthropy
A Vulgar Picture
Funeral Thirst
I Will Return*(ended the show with this)


shirts-about 7 shirts and 1 tour shirt $15 and one shirt that was $12
hoodie-$20(i think thats a great price)
Vinyls- Deflorate and Miasma both $15 each
big ass sticker- either in silver or black. $5 each
flat bill hat-BDM logo in black $40
belt buckle-$10
cd's-Deflorate cd/dvd $12 and the rest $10

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