Death is one of those bands I really wish I liked. I'll have to listen through more of their stuff sometime soon, but each time I give them a chance, Chuck's vocals just kill it for me :-??
Death is one of those bands I really wish I liked. I'll have to listen through more of their stuff sometime soon, but each time I give them a chance, Chuck's vocals just kill it for me :-??
All of them? He has several different styles...........that's part of what makes Death so fascinating.
Death is one of those bands I really wish I liked. I'll have to listen through more of their stuff sometime soon, but each time I give them a chance, Chuck's vocals just kill it for me :-??
All of them? He has several different styles...........that's part of what makes Death so fascinating.
I think the ones I listened to were Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy (both in full), and maybe Sound of Perseverance.
But don't you like Brent Hinds? Nigga sounds like a dying cat on Blood Mountain. I mean, I can dig it too, but his vocals aren't really the best if you know what I'm saying.
In Human Form - 1
1,000 Eyes - 1
Evil Dead -4
Evil Dead
Born Dead -
Trapped In A Corner - 1
Spiritual Healing -
Trapped In A Corner
Born Dead -
Trapped In A Corner - 3
Spiritual Healing -
Exhibit A: