This is a retarded thing my friend and I did 4 or so years back. We were the first ones to do such a video on YouTube and now it has over 80,000 views.
"In my opinion, it's what ends up separating the good from the most cases..." it does that too it shows you that there's more to writing pieces than what hip hop and rap do today there's more than just writing a I IV I V chord progression throughout your entire piece
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
"it shows you that there's more to writing pieces than what hip hop and rap do today"
I think rap and hip hop are more poetry than anything else. I'm not saying it isn't an art form, that I appreciate nonetheless, but I wouldn't necessarily call it music.
best keyboardist/pianist I have heard
too bad he aint in dimmu anymore.
I'm showing that video to my ap music theory teacher tomorrow to see if he can tell me about the theory of the piano version
it's the whole theory behind writing pieces
it's what gives structure to music and it's how people write pieces instead of writing random notes
I think you forgot to insert 'a' between you and retard
it does that too
it shows you that there's more to writing pieces than what hip hop and rap do today
there's more than just writing a I IV I V chord progression throughout your entire piece
I think rap and hip hop are more poetry than anything else. I'm not saying it isn't an art form, that I appreciate nonetheless, but I wouldn't necessarily call it music.