for real tho threads like these are where i can tell your actually probably a nice person in real like rather then the major hate everything in the world bitch like wake ect. think lol
If it was an occasional thing just to chill you out when needed I don't see it doing that much harm or costing that much. I'm not saying get blasted all night and don't study, that's one of the benifits is that it can be taken as needed, as opposed to be required to take it daily just to stay on an even keel. I'll smoke more in one sitting than my wife smokes all week and it has worked for her, she went through 8-10 different types of happy pills and still never found one the works as good as weed, and she was to the point where if she took them, she would get sick and nauseous, and if she didn't she would get sick and moody as fuck.
for real tho threads like these are where i can tell your actually probably a nice person in real like rather then the major hate everything in the world bitch like wake ect. think lol
i am a nice person lol im just a very guarded and defensive and bitter person too lmao
Yeah i understand that...i have been most of my life to
its just tended to make me feel guilty about a lot of things so iv taken new out look and just tried to be nice to everyone (except erik of course ) ) but now im like overly nice and polite when i first meet people so idk if its weird lol
Yeah i understand that...i have been most of my life to
its just tended to make me feel guilty about a lot of things so iv taken new out look and just tried to be nice to everyone (except erik of course ) ) but now im like overly nice and polite when i first meet people so idk if its weird lol
Not at all weird. You're just growing as a person. It sounds gay as fuck, but the more positivity you put out, the more you get in return.
I totally agree with that positivity thing...i can tell it works...i just feel like i have no idea what another person has been threw...and sometimes if being nice to someone makes there day a little bit better it makes meh happy
It's makes sense though... If you give people hostility, you end up getting it back. If you make drama you get drama. If your not a cunt to people, they don't really have a reason to be a cunt to you. If you stay positive and people are still cunts, then its on them and you're not going to be around them anyway. Like minded people will always gather around themselves, it up to you the type of people you surround yourself with.
get off my meds and go to school away from home :-S a few years ago, i would think it would be impossible with my separation anxiety i still have it so im getting scared and nervous and teary eyed every time i hug my mother
i think the scariest thing you've done is buttsechzing without lube
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
One of the number of times I threw someone down the stairs . . .
the first week of a Labor Relations class I took in college, we were assigned a 'mock trial' and separated into teams. our team assigned me as leader and basically dumped the task on me. they all refused to focus on the task, talking amongst themselves and not taking it seriously. talking to the teacher didn't help. after two days I literally said, "screw you, you're on you're own" and dropped the class. we got 100% refund if you dropped in the first two weeks.
after the class the rest of my 'team' failed because they were not prepared, one of my TEAM cornered me in the hallway at the top of the stairs near my next class. a big greasy Eye Talian poking his finger into my solar plexus repeatedly yelling, "You Made Me Get An EEEEFFFFF!"
I pushed him backwards down the stairs. on purpose. cracked his head open on the the next flight down. boy was I in trouble. blood, ambulance, investigation, interviews. tons of witnesses testified for me while I was in 'lockup' - the police training facility in the campus across the street. I had a 'prior' when I beat a guy up for cutting in line in front of me for Ozzy tickets at the Ticketmaster on campus the year before, for which I made 'restitution.'
I was let out 24 after the incident with no charges filed.
You definitely have to be careful if you get physical with somebody. We were walking home from the bar when a drunk dude said something shitty to my friend. When he said something back, the drunk guy just raged and tackled him and started trying to ground and pound him. I shouted at the guy to leave him alone or he was gonna get blasted, but of course it didn't work. I soccer kicked him in the ribs, trying to seperate them more than hurt they guy, and I didn't want to hit my friend on accident. He instantly dropped to the ground and started wheezing and spitting out blood. Annnnnd then the cops rolled up. We started telling the cops how the guy jumped my friend when the drunk guy started yelling "he kicked me, he kicked me" He was wheezing and so drunk that he was slurring his words so it sounded like "he kisshhed me" I just kept repeating "dude your drunk, nobody tried to kiss you" and said the guy hurt himself when he tackled my friend. He ended up going to the hospital with the cops. A few days later, I found out from somebody that the guy had either a collapsed or punctured lung and several broken ribs. If the cops had been 3 seconds quicker, or if I would have hit him harder or blasted him in the head...... its scary to think about.
One of the number of times I threw someone down the stairs . . .
the first week of a Labor Relations class I took in college, we were assigned a 'mock trial' and separated into teams. our team assigned me as leader and basically dumped the task on me. they all refused to focus on the task, talking amongst themselves and not taking it seriously. talking to the teacher didn't help. after two days I literally said, "screw you, you're on you're own" and dropped the class. we got 100% refund if you dropped in the first two weeks.
after the class the rest of my 'team' failed because they were not prepared, one of my TEAM cornered me in the hallway at the top of the stairs near my next class. a big greasy Eye Talian poking his finger into my solar plexus repeatedly yelling, "You Made Me Get An EEEEFFFFF!"
I pushed him backwards down the stairs. on purpose. cracked his head open on the the next flight down. boy was I in trouble. blood, ambulance, investigation, interviews. tons of witnesses testified for me while I was in 'lockup' - the police training facility in the campus across the street. I had a 'prior' when I beat a guy up for cutting in line in front of me for Ozzy tickets at the Ticketmaster on campus the year before, for which I made 'restitution.'
I was let out 24 after the incident with no charges filed.
for real tho threads like these are where i can tell your actually probably a nice person in real like rather then the major hate everything in the world bitch like wake ect. think lol
im just a very guarded and defensive and bitter person too lmao
its just tended to make me feel guilty about a lot of things so iv taken new out look and just tried to be nice to everyone (except erik of course
the first week of a Labor Relations class I took in college, we were assigned a 'mock trial' and separated into teams. our team assigned me as leader and basically dumped the task on me.
they all refused to focus on the task, talking amongst themselves and not taking it seriously. talking to the teacher didn't help. after two days I literally said, "screw you, you're on you're own" and dropped the class. we got 100% refund if you dropped in the first two weeks.
after the class the rest of my 'team' failed because they were not prepared, one of my TEAM cornered me in the hallway at the top of the stairs near my next class. a big greasy Eye Talian poking his finger into my solar plexus repeatedly yelling, "You Made Me Get An EEEEFFFFF!"
I pushed him backwards down the stairs. on purpose. cracked his head open on the the next flight down. boy was I in trouble. blood, ambulance, investigation, interviews. tons of witnesses testified for me while I was in 'lockup' - the police training facility in the campus across the street. I had a 'prior' when I beat a guy up for cutting in line in front of me for Ozzy tickets at the Ticketmaster on campus the year before, for which I made 'restitution.'
I was let out 24 after the incident with no charges filed.