On a bad day, a show as shitty as Two and a Half Men gets 14 million viewers. Doesn't make it better, just means a shitload more people have access haha
It must be a credit to BB's writing that Hank is such a well developed character because Big Jim from Under The Dome might be the most boring character on tv right now.
Seriously though, you know how fucking detailed every little aspect of a Stephen King novel is. He'll devote pages upon pages of the littlest shit. And CBS is doing a bad job turning it into a mini series. It seemed like I knew every single detail about Big Jim, yet in the mini series they just jump straight into "Yeah he's this big important guy and there's something bad about him but we're just gonna hang it lose for a minute"
"100 bucks says Walt kills himself with the ricen. Someone bet me."
Lots of ways to off yourself without having to go back to the house, where he clearly shouldn't have been anymore judging from his neighbors reaction. The hard to trace nature of the ricen is what makes me think he intends it for someone else.
Dexter's final season premier opened with 2.5 million viewers
Dude on Facebook posted this, what y'all think?
"100 bucks says Walt kills himself with the ricen. Someone bet me."
Skyler please [-O<