Just got out of the theater. Holy motherfuck. Quite possibly the best movie I've ever seen, and hands down, the best Batman/Superhero movie ever made. I don't think I've ever been so completely engrossed and absorbed by a movie. When he was beating the shit out of Bane at the end, that adrenaline literally started pumping and I got all pumped up like I was the one fighting him, just wanted to see him fucking slaughter Bane. And they captured that feeling of absolute panic, chaos, terror, and hopelessness perfectly, almost an apocalyptic setting. Fucking larger than life movie. I can't say enough. I wanna watch it again already. My only complaint is Bane's stupid ass voice clouded up by the mask, it was basically impossible to understand what the fuck he was saying at certain points. But, my previous opinion about him not being swole enough was proved wrong, dude was a fucking monster, pictures didn't do any justice as far as how he actually is in the movie. His overall character was done perfectly, so menacing. 12/10, this shit broke the scales.
Also, fucking Anne Hathaway in this movie, Jesus Christ. Bitch was 2BAD. And DAT ASS when she was on the Bat-Pod, cot DAMN boi!
id only watch a new B&R if they made sure Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze were in it do it right or dont do it at all wait, if they did, what would they do with Banes character since he was in the original too?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Also, fucking Anne Hathaway in this movie, Jesus Christ. Bitch was 2BAD. And DAT ASS when she was on the Bat-Pod, cot DAMN boi!
do it right or dont do it at all
wait, if they did, what would they do with Banes character since he was in the original too?