Everyone is different just because you're in shape and fast doesn't mean you can fight well same as if you're bigger and strong. To me most of it is if you can take the hits that come your way if you can handle that you should be good to end the fight on your terms
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
also you have to factor in if someone has fought before, usually people who fight before do better than people who dont normally fight alot.. i used to box my friends all the time and the ones who had never done it before always came in timid at first to try and feel it out and i would just go balls in from the beginning and it def gives you the advantage, i sucked at boxing doe lol but its hella fun
Everyone is different just because you're in shape and fast doesn't mean you can fight well same as if you're bigger and strong. To me most of it is if you can take the hits that come your way if you can handle that you should be good to end the fight on your terms
Ahhh the Chris Leben method lol. Works good, unless you don't have the speed to hit a much faster target or the cardio to keep swinging.
What I am saying is it takes a mixture of everything I just think it adds more to your odds if you can stand in there and take the hits that come your way. If I wasn't able to take the hits a couple years back I would have been down and out from the kicks to the head I was getting. I connected well enough with the first guy to end the fight in one shot but was fully prepared to go further. I can honestly say I would have taken both of the guys regardless. Why? because I can take a hit. The second guy just bitched out when he saw his buddy hit the floor.
I've said it before and I'll say it again it was stupid to get in the fight to begin with but I was left with no other option. I don't want to fight someone and risk Fucking up my life. If you hit one person wrong our knock them out and they hit their head on the ground they could die. There have been two cases like that here recently.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
What I am saying is it takes a mixture of everything I just think it adds more to your odds if you can stand in there and take the hits that come your way. If I wasn't able to take the hits a couple years back I would have been down and out from the kicks to the head I was getting. I connected well enough with the first guy to end the fight in one shot but was fully prepared to go further. I can honestly say I would have taken both of the guys regardless. Why? because I can take a hit. The second guy just bitched out when he saw his buddy hit the floor.
I've said it before and I'll say it again it was stupid to get in the fight to begin with but I was left with no other option. I don't want to fight someone and risk Fucking up my life. If you hit one person wrong our knock them out and they hit their head on the ground they could die. There have been two cases like that here recently.
What I am saying is it takes a mixture of everything I just think it adds more to your odds if you can stand in there and take the hits that come your way. If I wasn't able to take the hits a couple years back I would have been down and out from the kicks to the head I was getting. I connected well enough with the first guy to end the fight in one shot but was fully prepared to go further. I can honestly say I would have taken both of the guys regardless. Why? because I can take a hit. The second guy just bitched out when he saw his buddy hit the floor.
I've said it before and I'll say it again it was stupid to get in the fight to begin with but I was left with no other option. I don't want to fight someone and risk Fucking up my life. If you hit one person wrong our knock them out and they hit their head on the ground they could die. There have been two cases like that here recently.
rather I'm implying that there is more to fitness than "grawwrr, I'm so strong" that you implied in a previous post. Everybody has room for improvement. You mentioned before that you were thinking of trying p90x. I hope you do and wish you well if you give it a go.
Damn, you really have been gone for a hot ass minute, it's been a long time since I was "Straight Edge.".
infact the only reason i came on was to announce i was gonna have a kid in feb..
hmm...why am i still here?
fuck man,
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fighting uses speed and explosive strength, not maxial strength.
What I am saying is it takes a mixture of everything I just think it adds more to your odds if you can stand in there and take the hits that come your way. If I wasn't able to take the hits a couple years back I would have been down and out from the kicks to the head I was getting. I connected well enough with the first guy to end the fight in one shot but was fully prepared to go further. I can honestly say I would have taken both of the guys regardless. Why? because I can take a hit. The second guy just bitched out when he saw his buddy hit the floor.
I've said it before and I'll say it again it was stupid to get in the fight to begin with but I was left with no other option. I don't want to fight someone and risk Fucking up my life. If you hit one person wrong our knock them out and they hit their head on the ground they could die. There have been two cases like that here recently.
otherwise the only thing i can say about this thread is .... what the fuck ever