Because I'm on academic probation, I can only take 16 credits and I'm registered for 17, therefore I have to drop a course.
These are the three up in the air:
Restoration & 18th Century Women's Lit (3 credits)
Monday/Wednesday 6:10pm-7:30pm
I'd have Wednesdays off
Renaissance & Baroque Literature (3 credits)
Tuesday/Friday 9:50am-11:10am
I'd have Fridays off.
Topics in Wine Insights (1 credit)
Thursday 5:35pm-6:55pm
Terrible reviews for professor
So, I have to drop a course for the fall. 28 votes
0 ·
As much as Wine will have a say against this, I choose it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I was going over the email, there's a strange senior exception.
(I hate people who know a lot about something like wine
bore you to death explaining everything about it in great detail
and try to make you feel like an idiot if you don't care)