Magrudergrind- Amazing band to see live and one of the coolest Grindcore bands around today! If you haven't seen or hear dof these guys than you have no clue what you're missing. The crowd was intense and was going insane like no other. Magrudergrind is one hell of a energetic band! 8/10
Misery Index- One of the best Death Metal bands I've ever seen live. These guys are top notch and extremely underrated and should be known more throughout the metal world. I started all the pits and the best part of the night is when everyone was chanting witht he song Traitors!!! at the end of the night. I met all the members and those guys love playing metal and meeting fans. I cant wait until they come back! 10/10
Merch- not alot of merch since this was pretty much a C market tour. Misery Index had 4 T-shirts and were $10 each sizes S-XL. Same with Magrudergrind, $10 and three different shirt. Also, it seems like band slike you ALOT more if you buy their merch lol. The minute I bought a Misery Index shirt, Jason Netherton started being talkative with me and was super nice lol
Misery Index signed my ticket

Awesome shirt I bought
band not too long again fucking heavy