They won't if they are done right (positioning is everything) and the jewelry is fitted the right size.
Mine must be in perfect position. My tongue ring and my teeth rarely collide, that I notice anyway. And I use plastic balls.
thats probably why my sisters messed her teeth up she used metal
If the post is too long, it will get bitten all the time. The post for the piercing is usually longer than it needs to be to allow for swelling after it is pierced. A shorter bar needs to be put in after it heals, and this is the one piercing where plastic balls are better, a tooth will break before stainless steel will. The piercing should be done at a slight angle (top hole in a bit further than the bottom) to help encourage the bar to lay flat on the tounge when the mouth is closed.
i want a new tattoo so badddd. i hate that i have to wait.
I know that feel. I realized my Maiden one is going to have to wait until after Mayhem on 7/6 because of the sunlight exposure
I'm getting a Maiden tat as well
Do you have a design idea? :-?
It's going to revolve around
before my step dad passed, like 2 days before, he got the tattoo of this eddie face on his entire forearm. i don't want to go THAT big, but since it's mine and his favorite band, i'm doing something with it
They won't if they are done right (positioning is everything) and the jewelry is fitted the right size.
Mine must be in perfect position. My tongue ring and my teeth rarely collide, that I notice anyway. And I use plastic balls.
thats probably why my sisters messed her teeth up she used metal
If the post is too long, it will get bitten all the time. The post for the piercing is usually longer than it needs to be to allow for swelling after it is pierced. A shorter bar needs to be put in after it heals, and this is the one piercing where plastic balls are better, a tooth will break before stainless steel will. The piercing should be done at a slight angle (top hole in a bit further than the bottom) to help encourage the bar to lay flat on the tounge when the mouth is closed.
I wondered why mine was at an angle. I honestly thought my piercer just fucked up
she used metal
Or uncooked lunch meat.
Or anything with aspartame.
Or a million other damn things
There are too many rules, it's shitty. But worth it in the end
before my step dad passed, like 2 days before, he got the tattoo of this eddie face on his entire forearm. i don't want to go THAT big, but since it's mine and his favorite band, i'm doing something with it
oh god