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For a Happy Meal, would you pleasure the mods with a celary stick?



  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Oh my god. =)) =)) =))
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,684 master of ceremonies
    NO. That is a vile and degrading act which I would only do if I got to keep the toy.
    i willz neva please a fukkin Modz eva in meh existancez neva [-(
    FUCKING DEAD =)) =)) =))
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    NO. That is a vile and degrading act which I would only do if I got to keep the toy.
    i get spaced everbynight wut wut



    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    This is so stupid
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I thought more people would go with the bottom yes so I tried to be special and go with the one above it. I was clearly wrong.
    image Photobucket
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,650 moneytalker
    Tony told her that the man in charge of all the performers and entertainers was very impressed with the way she displayed herself at pool side, and wanted to see her get more involved. He said the man had told him all of the passengers found her very attractive and sexy, and wanted to see more of her. He said he thought this would be a terrific opportunity for her to make even more money and also get more excitement.

    She said she would think it over. In fact the idea appealed to her, and the more she thought of the people admiring her fantastic face and figure the more interested she became. As she though of this he told her he had a special surprise for her. While he held her by the breasts with his firm penis still buried deep in her colon he asked her how she would like a special gold ring. She was interested. He asked her if it had hurt when she had her ears pierced. She was surprised at the question, and said it had been done by a professional.

    She said the man had squeezed her ear lobes first, so hard that there was no feeling in them when he had pierced the sensitive flesh. The needle had gone clean through. It had burned a bit afterward, but was not enough to be disturbing. It had been worth the mild discomfort, if that was what he meant. She was not sure why he asked the question.


    While she was speaking he rolled onto his back, pulling her over so that she lay on top of him, face up. He brought his legs up between hers and forced her legs apart, inter-twined with his so that she could not close them. Then he hit a switch on the bedside table.

    In a moment a woman entered. She wore the simple but very sexy uniform of the service staff, a loose fitting shift which did nothing to hide the sexuality of the woman's large breasted figure.

    The pleated skirt was very short, and she wore the spike heeled shoes that accentuated her muscular sexy legs. She carried a small tool box which she opened as she sat on the foot of the bed between the spread legs of the two. Tony explained to Jennifer that he wanted to give her a special gold ring that would show off her beautiful vagina when she displayed it for the enjoyment of others.

    She gasped at the lewd suggestion and at the imminent mutilation of her beautiful sex organ, and she struggled desperately but uselessly. Tony assured her the ring would not interfere with her ability to have sex, but instead it would stimulate her vagina into easy arousal.

    The staff woman grasped the fleshy hood of Jennifer's erect clitoris, and pulled the loose flesh up severely from her sex mound, stretching it to the limit. Then without squeezing it to numb the flesh she pressed a sharp needle deep into the restrained young woman's sex meat, clearly demonstrating there was no bond between women here.

    Jennifer screamed, as much at the indignity of being physically abused by another woman as at the pain. She knew that men were often disposed to dominating and abusing women, and she understood this to be a natural process. For a woman to abuse her sex organ so painfully without her consent was extremely degrading. The staff woman withdrew the needle. A droplet of blood slowly grew, filling the new opening, then it trickled down across her slightly curled pink cunt lips. The woman produced from her bag an inch wide thick gold ring, which had an opening on one side.

    One end was pointed and the other was hollowed, so that they could be permanently locked together when the ring was forced closed. She placed the opening over Jennifer's clitoris, which was excited and erect from the raw obscenity of the violent and profane act she was experiencing. With a special tool that resembled pliers she forced the ends of the thick gold ring into the fresh pierce hole, and squeezed the ring completely and closed in Jennifer's sex flesh, permanently marking her as Tony's property.

    She sprayed a disinfectant onto the pierced cunt which flushed away the gleaming droplets of her blood. The voluptuous woman put her tools away, closed the tool bag and then silently left. Tony released his tight grip on Jennifer's big breasts, allowing her to sit upright, her anus still impaled on his thick penis.

    She saw her clit standing out through the large gold ring, and quickly realized that the gleaming gold decoration actually did enhance the appearance of her sex organ. It was at that instant that she saw the name TONY engraved in the thick gold ring. She was clearly and permanently marked as a possession. Jennifer was startled at the calm that came with this sudden realization, a curious sense of belonging that came with this distinction.

    That realization did nothing to quell her anger at the forced invasion of her intimate privacy, the humiliation of being brutalized by another woman, and the piercing of her delicate sex meat without her consent. At the same time, she was startled to notice she was really pleased with the beauty of the device, and the bold statement the man had made in marking her as his own personal property with the aggressive gesture.

    With a shock Jennifer realized that she found the brutality of the assault on her sexual privacy was thrilling to her. Now she understood what Tony meant by excitement. She wondered how much the coke she had snorted had to do with what was going on in her head.
    That's not how you pierce a box, the needle is hollow and the jewelry goes into the back of the needle. Then, as you push the jewelry through, the needle slides out. If the needle and jewelry separate, its a pain in the ass to get the jewelry in. 2/10, would not read again.

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • TigerTiger Posts: 2,116 balls deep
    mmmmmmmmmm new spicy mcbites from mcdonalds........ =P~
    The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.

  • LiveFreeDieLiveFreeDie Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    mmmmmmmmmm new spicy mcbites from mcdonalds........ =P~
    Wendys spicy nuggets or GTFO.
    Death is not the worst of evils. You can't be down, when you're always high.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    @daynaflame @jobe

    I didn't write it. I copied and pasted it from a very long and very fucked up creepypasta I found.
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