^definitely when I first did harsh vocals (I don't do them much) I used my throat and it became all mucus filled and hurt and I was wondering how metal vocalists scream every other day on tours and all then I learned that if you use your diaphragm and scream from the top of your chest instead of the vocal chords, you can get a deeper, more distortion filled, growl that doesn't harm your vocal chords in any way
i hate when people say scream from your chest. i honestly dont know what that means. also someone said make an s sound is kind of what it feels to use your diaphragm
when i do it, i try to and im not feeling anything in my throat and its almost as if all there is, is air coming out and i push hard but it jsut sounds like air then i proceed to cough
I discovered my screaming by accident too. Sort of...
I decided in 9th grade that I wanted to be a recording artist. I kept thinking about it and thinking about it more and more and I finally tried metal vocals. It worked... I had never practiced before but ever since then, I can do this very distinctive yelling that nobody else I know can. Sort of sounds like COB/Slipknot. It's weird.
I learned how to "scream from your chest" because my whole life, any time I haven't liked to do something I make a groaning noise (everyone does it, just saying ugh) but I always do it from my chest without realizing so when I tried to scream from the top of my chest I found it very very easy. Now I just need to work on controlling and defining my distortion
Linkin park!!!!!! Erik I'm going to let you know right now that I'm going to critique you extremely hard on linkin park because they're vocals are hard to do and they're my favorite band (I honestly don't care what anyone thinks about that) ....I just need to get to a computer so I can watch it
I wanted to turn up the music so i couldn't hear the annoying guy in the back seat and we've all had that guy in the car with us at some point in our life.
when I first did harsh vocals (I don't do them much) I used my throat and it became all mucus filled and hurt and I was wondering how metal vocalists scream every other day on tours and all
then I learned that if you use your diaphragm and scream from the top of your chest instead of the vocal chords, you can get a deeper, more distortion filled, growl that doesn't harm your vocal chords in any way
Just make your mic louder than the music, because that distortion ruins it.
I decided in 9th grade that I wanted to be a recording artist. I kept thinking about it and thinking about it more and more and I finally tried metal vocals. It worked... I had never practiced before but ever since then, I can do this very distinctive yelling that nobody else I know can. Sort of sounds like COB/Slipknot. It's weird.
so when I tried to scream from the top of my chest I found it very very easy. Now I just need to work on controlling and defining my distortion
So it's not Metal, but I love singing and rapping this.
Fuck allz y'all.
Erik I'm going to let you know right now that I'm going to critique you extremely hard on linkin park because they're vocals are hard to do and they're my favorite band (I honestly don't care what anyone thinks about that)
....I just need to get to a computer so I can watch it
I wanted to turn up the music so i couldn't hear the annoying guy in the back seat and we've all had that guy in the car with us at some point in our life.