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Axl Rose Robbed After Guns N’ Roses Gig In Paris.

...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
edited June 2012 in News

Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose was relieved of about $200,000 worth of jewelery during a small gathering following their June 5 gig in Paris, France.

Axl and his crew have had a substantially rough couple of weeks on their overseas tour. Some of the tour low-lights include Axl injuring his leg and then falling on stage just days later. Not to mention, fans walking out of shows due to their un-fashionably late start times and the band was even pelted with change and glass during a recent performance. With all that piled up, you would think that things could only get better for GN’R — and you’d be wrong.

According to a new report from the Associated Press, Axl Rose — who can often be seen wearing enough jewelery to make even Mr. T proud — was robbed of more than $200,000 worth of gold and diamond necklaces last night. A spokesman for the Parisian authorities says that Axl was furious over the incident that took place during the band’s private gathering following their performance at Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy.

While very few details of the case have been made available at this time, it does appear that Rose was not wearing the necklaces when they were stolen. Angry or not, Rose and his Guns are still set to perform their next show in Moenchengladbach, Germany, on June 8, and will return to perform in France later this summer.


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