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Woe of tyrants

mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
edited March 2010 in Off Topic
They played a headline show last night at the mad hatter and I didn't know about it until right before the show. Anyway it was 6 bucks started at 3 I got there at 7. All the bands before woe of tyrants that I saw I did not like. One was called missing maryland or something they used a goofy ass robot voice thing like lil Wayne does. They were like a deathcore band but not so I was calling them crunkcore that's the best I could come up with to discribe them and their goofy vocals. There was probably 30 people total at the show. Woe of tyrants was great live. Probably one of the most on point band I have seen. They played 3 new songs closed with creatures of the mire. One song off their first cd. Then break the fangs of the wicked, kingdom of might, sons of thunder, seven braids of sampson, like
jesper. I got to sing a few lines of break the fangs. It sucked though I've been fighting a sore throat all week. After they played chris came over and talked to me for a bit. I didn't get anything signed though because I had 20 minutes to make it to chipotle before they closed if I wanted a burrito.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!


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