LMAO I'm practically gonna be livein at Altar Bar next month lotta good shows Dark Funeral with MA It's gonna be EPIC IMO
I know, me too unfortunately. ) Hate that place. I don't know why so many shows are going there lately. :-?
But I'd say probably Mr. Smalls. Stage AE's too big for them I think.
I live 2 blocks from Smalls....went to see Static X there last wednesday. I love shows at Mr smalls for multiple reasons .Alot of my autographs an pics came from there !!!
) Loki, I was standing outside and met Nergal as well! Couldn't get a picture with him because he went back in the bus 'cause it was cold, but he signed my gas reciept from earlier that day, haha.
Lol Alex.
But I'd say probably Mr. Smalls. Stage AE's too big for them I think.