You look like a girl I know name Retchi. She was from the Philippenes. At the time I hadn't seen her, but only heard she was from the philippenes. Operating under the assumption that all girls with weird names from strange countries were hot, I told my friend that she was hot. Then I saw her and heard hear accent, I couldn't have been farther from the truth. Well I guess I could've. She wasn't ugly or anything, but god.. I'd rather go to a Taco Bell in Texas and try to talk to them than her.
So what I'm getting to is, are you from the Philippenes?
My friend Chase was fond of younger girls such as yourself. While I didn't go that route, he told me plenty interesting stories. In all the girls he talked to, he only found one that was not like the others, that didn't share the same interests, morals, and attitude as the others. Now this was mainly because the girl was fucking strange as all hell. For starters, after 1 (ONE) day of talking she told him that she told him that her fantasy was for him to pretend to be her brother and rape her. Now I'm not a man of math or science, but because she was the only different one from the group of girls my friend Chase talked to in that age group...I can only assume that you are weird as all hell as well. Am I anywhere close on this assumption?
But a lot don't. Jersey Shore wasn't even a thing when I was 15.
So what I'm getting to is, are you from the Philippenes?
Well, I have yet to meet a 15 year old girl with the same interests, morals, and attitude as I do.
I don't think that's what the statement inferred...
da erryday struggle....
You're nothing g special
They're all over the place, just gotta look a little bit.
They prefer to be called "little people."
you like the cowboys?