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    EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,606 jayfacer
    A convicted white supremacist felon and a mentally incompetent senile invalid. Such great company. Murrica the absolute joke.
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    SATANSATAN Posts: 25,813 spicy boy
    The conspiracy theory on this one is that the DNC wanted to replace Biden and CNN was complicit in helping make him look incompetent. Trump was right. His conviction invigorated his base because it fed into his persecution narrative. Biden is probably the least exciting democratic presidential candidate of my lifetime. Even Hillary had more of a fervor behind her. His ‘No mularkey” shit was as cringe boomer as it got with his last run and he benefitted from the media portraying Trump as a bumbling philistine. I would not be surprised if they start pushing Gavin Newsome, even with the train wreck California is right now. The democrats are sorta like Disney. They’re so interested in trying to appease the fickle Twitterverse that they will embrace failure to maintain what they believe to be a moral high ground. But the truth is that when people are hurting financially and growing tired of the status quo, they really don’t care about the interests of sex weirdos and illegal aliens. 
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    FLATFLAT Posts: 60,591 spicy boy
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    Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,690 jayfacer
    That’s the popular theory right now, yeah. Biden says he’s not stepping down but the dems want Newsom in 
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,466 spicy boy
    Gavin Newsome isn't gonna win either. 

    Their only hope at resurrection is if they pull Michelle Obama out some how. 

    I could see that happening. Surely they won't send him out there for another debate in a few months right? 
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    Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,690 jayfacer
    I’m guessing he pulls out of the September debate which is the only other one scheduled. Don’t think they would want a repeat that close to November 
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