>got drunk >gets in car >roommate crashes car into another parker car while backing up >only thing tood can think of that relates to this situation is when we talked about hit & run while drunk being an option >todd decides to book it. > gets found in corn field and beaten by cops >todd is black
I remember when we were all trashed on my best friends bday last year she backed into someone as we left the bar. But at least we didn't end up like "tood" here
fucking dead
Here we witness a classic DBCT
Rex_Capone said:
its a a car accident now, but why did you run from the cops over the weekend :-?
car accident
bull fucking shit
either a lie or there's more funny parts to it than that
crashed while learning to drive
ran from cops
>gets in car
>roommate crashes car into another parker car while backing up
>only thing tood can think of that relates to this situation is when we talked about hit & run while drunk being an option
>todd decides to book it.
> gets found in corn field and beaten by cops
>todd is black