You remind me of this old creepy guy with a similar beard n so forth in a pic taken over 100 years ago now. It was taken before or after church with a few of the children killed in the Villisca Iowa ax murders of 1912. I tried to find the pic online but wasn't successful
I have a friend that gets these daily Catholic devotionals sent to her phone (she works for a Catholic Hospital) and she sent me one of them was a picture of some saint that was painted in like the 4th century... It looked so much like me that it looked like she photoshopped my picture over it, or like a scene in a movie where a guy sees a painting of an ancestor, but its really the same actor so they look identical. It was really, really fucking creepy.
I really don't like that picture. It creeps me the fuck out. If I shaved the beard, and took a pic from the same angle... dude that's my face. Not in like a "hey, that kinda looks like me" way, that is my fucking face :-SS
You're probably right Todd
Probably some random guy....
Post a pic of you shagging a sheep and throwing the horns to prove its you [-(
or Nostradamus??