I had to do an assignment at the Art Institute for my humanities class where we had to take our picture in front of 10 of the 15 required pieces to prove we were there.
I had to do an assignment at the Art Institute for my humanities class where we had to take our picture in front of 10 of the 15 required pieces to prove we were there.
meh. First time I've done something like that to her anyway. She's the petty one who always does it to me.
u mad?
Were sides already chosen on this one? Cause I want to be on Razor's side. Not sure what the Srs Bsns is, but im fairly certain that Razor's side would be more metal. 8->
Figured may as well use the opportunity wisely
Don't you constantly bash Family Guy?
I did it as a reference to Ferris Beuller. Not a reference to a reference lol
Carry on.