Speaking of kids and punishment my friend from high school saw an 8 year old boy screaminf at him mom outside their house. He was calling her a fucking whore, slut, bitch and all kinds of bullshit. He stated to yell at him to stfu and not talk to your mother that way and he started flipping on him. Kids are so fucking disrepectful little shits these days it's disgusting
Speaking of kids and punishment my friend from high school saw an 8 year old boy screaminf at him mom outside their house. He was calling her a fucking whore, slut, bitch and all kinds of bullshit. He stated to yell at him to stfu and not talk to your mother that way and he started flipping on him. Kids are so fucking disrepectful little shits these days it's disgusting
Speaking of kids and punishment my friend from high school saw an 8 year old boy screaminf at him mom outside their house. He was calling her a fucking whore, slut, bitch and all kinds of bullshit. He stated to yell at him to stfu and not talk to your mother that way and he started flipping on him. Kids are so fucking disrepectful little shits these days it's disgusting
Since when did 8 year olds talk like that?
Idk but it's bullshit. Parents donno what they're doing anymore or are scared to punish/discipline their kids. This kid lives somewhere in my hometown and it fucking makes me sad
Speaking of kids and punishment my friend from high school saw an 8 year old boy screaminf at him mom outside their house. He was calling her a fucking whore, slut, bitch and all kinds of bullshit. He stated to yell at him to stfu and not talk to your mother that way and he started flipping on him. Kids are so fucking disrepectful little shits these days it's disgusting
she proly was a bitchz cunt whore frum hell
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'd still feel awkward as hell cussing in from of my parents.
Same. Well I'm more comfortable around my mom then my dad. Which is weird because he cusses all the damn time.
Appearently a lot of kids in my town are acting the way that kid is. We have a decent sized basketball courts downtown. Everyone from school would just go down there to play or to schoot. All the little fuckers were saying fuck everywhere like it was nobodies business. He said it's like children of the corn took over follansbee
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Appearently a lot of kids in my town are acting the way that kid is. We have a decent sized basketball courts downtown. Everyone from school would just go down there to play or to schoot. All the little fuckers were saying fuck everywhere like it was nobodies business. He said it's like children of the corn took over follansbee