How come this hasn't been plastered all over the media?
In Oklahoma last Tuesday, Bob and Nancy Strait, who had been married for 65 years, had their home broken into by a black teenager (Tyrone Woodfork) armed with a BB gun. The teenager beat and raped the 85 year old Nancy Strait
to death. Her husband, a veteran of the 101st Airborne in WW2 and suffering with kidney cancer, was shot in the face and is in the hospital struggling to make it.
There will be no million hoodie march for Bob & Nancy, two mere white Americans. Their killer will have pro bono lawyers & innocence projects helping him until he's finally set free again.
Certainly Obama will make no statement on how Nancy Strait could have been his grandmother or how Bob Strait could have been that uncle who "liberated Auschwitz ".
Bob and Nancy Strait won't get the screeching coverage that Trayvon Martin got about white racism because a Hispanic neighborhood watch captain shot a black teenager.
In fact, isn't it sad that you will only find this story in a UK newspaper?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Old people shouldn't be raped.
Whoever wrote this piece needs a swift punch to the face.