I don't need to. It's clear as fuck in your posts. You've been crying about it in every post like you want to personally burn down Apple's headquarters, 'cause you got a lemon.
We get it, you hate Apple, while every product I've ever had from them lasted forever, and only broke/fucked up due to my mistakes, such as dropping them, dropping them in water, etc. Move the fuck on.
I didn't know that my posts on an internet forum equal my entire life. I don't likw apple phones...does that bother you? I guess since you think I want to burn down their headquarters. I have moved on from Apple and am very happy with my droid I've had for going on two years. The discussion in here is pretty much apple vs droid so I'm going to discuss my high dislike for iphones, reasons why, etc. If you don't like it that isn't my problem kid
The iPhone is alot easier to navigate and get used to. Took me about 20-30 minutes to get used to it. With the droid there's alot more stuff going on and it's a bit more complex. But it took me only a few hours to get used to my droid.
Since I use my phone almost constantly because it double as my computer for now, I would have to charge it multiple times a day. But with the two other batteries I can stay off the charge all day if I want
Does jailbreaking it just allow You to get free apps?
You can do that, yes. But honestly the biggest thing jailbreaking allows you to do is access an app called Cydia. Cydia is like a whole nother "app store" that just has tweaks and themes and apps that Apple does not allow.
If you jailbreak it your protection plan means squat
This is true. However its almost impossible to "brick" an iPhone to the point where it won't turn on anymore. So if you ever have an issue with your phone where you have to bring it or get it replaced at an Apple store. You can do a factory restore on your phone and no one can tell you had it jailbroken.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
To be honest after having my iPhone jailbroken for so long I can not live without it. If it ever came to the point where Apple somehow patched it so it was impossible to jailbreak. I would seriously consider getting an Droid.
Being able to have no ads and unlimited skips in Pandora for free. That alone makes it worth jailbreaking for me. Not too mention all the other custom shit I have on my phone from Cydia.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
We get it, you hate Apple, while every product I've ever had from them lasted forever, and only broke/fucked up due to my mistakes, such as dropping them, dropping them in water, etc. Move the fuck on.
Probably. It didnt take me long to figure my droid out either, im just saying in general Apple is more user friendly i guess
Since I use my phone almost constantly because it double as my computer for now, I would have to charge it multiple times a day. But with the two other batteries I can stay off the charge all day if I want
The only thing I think Droid has over a jailbroken iPhone is the expandable memory.
This is true. However its almost impossible to "brick" an iPhone to the point where it won't turn on anymore. So if you ever have an issue with your phone where you have to bring it or get it replaced at an Apple store. You can do a factory restore on your phone and no one can tell you had it jailbroken.
Being able to have no ads and unlimited skips in Pandora for free. That alone makes it worth jailbreaking for me. Not too mention all the other custom shit I have on my phone from Cydia.
I might regret it, but after my work paying for an iphone for 8.5 years, i am ready for a change and something new lol.