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SO my wife gets this message on facebook.....

Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
edited March 2012 in Off Topic


I am extremely upset that you guys let my daughter sleep at your house. It is setting a very bad example for her sister who is only sixteen and I feel that they are too young to be sleeping together prematurely as a married couple in parents home. Never wanted that for my child. Alex has been lying to her Dad saying that she is sleeping at a girlfriends house. Just wanted you to know how I felt about it.



This is Gary Tina. You need to take that up with Alex's dad. He always knew where she was. I just got off the phone with Zach and Alex and they told me all kinds of things that are being said about us which is your choice to say those things but I don't go that route. I'm sorry if she lied to you about where she was but that's between you guys. As far as them having a relationship to which you are refering to you knew about that before we did. Think back to me calling you to discuss things. It seemed like I was the one who was the most concerned about their future than anyone else because the second I found out I called you to take preventive measures. Also if you didn't block me on facebook (for reasons which I don't know) you would have known long ago. Communication is key is things like this but unfortunately you diasbled ours.



Yeah you had the nerve to call me to tell me to put my daughter on birth control but didnt have any time to discuss your sons behavior towards me. I understand that the kids are going to have sex regardless if I want them to or not but allowing my daughter to sleep over is too much. Bad example for everyone in your house and my other daughter as well. Not what I want for Alex. I dont even agree with you guys allowing her to have a cat there. Who does that? Her Dad DID NOT know that she was sleeping there and DOES NOT APPROVE. It might be ok for your daughter but not mine. I want much more for her than becoming a liar and shacking up at your house. I would appreciate it if it didnt happen again.



My choice words are fitting to the situation!



I'll talk with her dad to see who is lying to me but I'm not going to speak with you on here or anywhere no more.

This fucking asshole doesn't live with her daughter. Leaves bongs and burnt blunts in her ashtray all over her house.Has 5 kids by 3 different people.She thinks her fucking uterus is a fucking clown car. She's all butthurt because at the wake of my sons friend (who committed sucide) she started a scene with my son and her daughter and my son lit her up. Excuse me bitch but haven't you wondered where your daughter (who is 19) has been for the last fucking year? But I did call her dad yesterday and it turns out he DIDN't know his daughter was staying at my house.The kids did tell me she had permission. How the fuck does a year go by and you think you daughter is sleeping at a friends house almost EVERY night? I cleared the air with him but I can't deal with her mother. As far as the shit she said about my daughter..Excuse me..I know where my kids are..Do you know where your are? Apparently not.What I was refering to when I called on the phone her was birth control. I called her to let her know the kids were having sex and she was like I know so I asked her to make sure that take measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. I don't think that makes me a bad person but it makes me a mature concerned parent. I could of lit her up and insulted the shit out of her but I don't do that shit. Esp. on facebook. BTW she's in collage making great grades and my son is a senior on honor roll. Neither one of them smoke..drink..or do any kind of drugs. They are both great kids. Whatever.



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