By now you may have seen that other email sent out earlier this week from my e-mail address with a link to some incestuous videos. First off, I'd like to assure you that the e-mail did not come from me, and I would never send anything out like that, nor would we ever sell your e-mail address to such companies. This is a metal website.
What happened was our forum script had a security hole that was exploited to gain access to our mailing and templating functions of the forum. This is how the email was sent from my account, which is the registered administrative email address for the forum. Your e-mail address or any other part of your account was not compromised. Only our mailing script was accessed through this back door. Rest assured that we have updated the forum software and patched the security hole. This malicious attack also caused a disruption in our video distribution, which we are working to resolve quickly.
Again, we are incredibly sorry for the explicit e-mail. It was made worse by the fact that I was traveling at the time to South by Southwest and was not able to get to a computer until the evening. We have done everything in our power to assure this will never happen again.
Thank you for visiting our website,
Robert Pasbani
I lol'd hard. I remember seeing the email, but didn't get to open it.

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