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The Concert Review Thread



  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    I assumed he was referring to Warped Tour, cause it goes through beginning of August.

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    Nah its like a 5 show thing. Pry before warped.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer

    This is some of the shit the bands were doing to each other off and on throughout the night.

    Not my video i was front center all night.
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer

    This is some of the shit the bands were doing to each other off and on throughout the night.

    Not my video i was front center all night.
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Local Natives - Played almost every song my friend and I wanted plus an extended encore. 10/10

    Opening song was my favorite LN song...

    And the pre-encore finale was fucking fun as hell...
    I love winning with women
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Been at nemf... some really slow bands just played and my stoned mind got bored and depressed. Now that holy grail is taking the stage it will pick up.
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    main stage :-q
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    My predictions were correct. Ran in lnto john earlier
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Where is the review?
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    I'll have one for tomorrow
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    edited April 2013
    So Friday was quite the day for me. I had two separate plans with two separate groups, and I had to bridge the two around midday. Early in the morning I went with a few friends to a smoke shop sale in Providence and smoked up a lot afterwards, so I knew I was going to be incapacitated for a few hours. I met up with my friend Josh and a couple of his buddies to head up for NEMF around 12:30. They’re all thrash elitists so I got to sit in the back listening to German thrash while I tried to sober up.

    I got to the venue around 2, and while I was waiting for them to check my ticket some woman asked me to move a couple times. Being stoned I eventually did and noticed as she was walking away into the venue that it was the bassist for All That Remains. Hmph. Anyways, I got in around halfway through Mutilation Rite’s set, and they fucking blew. Shitty music, and they spent the entire set spitting on each other/the crowd. I left before they were done and went back outside to catch some fresh air and sober up some.
    Mutilation Rites: F

    While hanging outside John said hi as he was going in and we talked for a bit although I think I was pretty spacey at that point. I had drunk a monster before going in to try and sober up and it was not working at all except for making me feel weird. While talking to John, Brian Fair from Shadows Fall walked by and instead of being alert and getting a pic I just blurted “Hey! I like your band!” to which he was just like “right on!” and kept walking.
    Went back into the venue during some band named Vygr and they blew as well. I don’t know if was because I was stoned and they were boring but at this point I thought this whole festival was going to blow. At least they were playing heavy shit though and they weren’t spitting on me. Vygr: D+

    Fortunately I got very close to the stage right before Holy Grail and they kicked the show into gear. Some nice, fast music to sober up to and have a good fucking time. They’re no musical geniuses but I’m glad I saw them and I’d be happy to see em again.
    Holy Grail: B-

    Next band up was Black Breath and I was still one row from the rail. Spent the set there because I listened to the band before and I liked what I had heard. They sounded pretty tight but their material did not lend itself for a long show at all. I had to fight sleep towards the end.
    Black Breath: C

    Now it was time for the first band I was excited for, Shadows Fall. They came out and started the show up with The Light That Blinds. Cool opener but it’s the second time I’ve seen them, and neither time have they played the acoustic intro over the P.A. which I feel would make it a lot better. The crowd finally woke up for SF and it was just a good, rockin’ time. Being the big guy Brian used me as support when he went into the crowd during one of the songs. The mixing was actually very good for their show too. You could hear EVERYTHING, including backing vocals, clearly.
    Shadows Fall: B
    1. The Light That Blinds
    2. The Idiot Box
    3. Weight of the World
    4. Destroyer of Senses
    5. King of Nothing
    6. The Power of I and I
    7. Divide and Conquer
    8. War

    After Shadows Fall I was FINALLY completely sober and feeling good. I got some water and regrouped with the group of thrashers I came with who were making their way up for Municipal Waste. I wasn’t all that familiar with their material but I’ve heard they’re awesome live and they did not disappoint. The crowd was really into them and they just kept the show going. I definitely want to check them out again.
    Municipal Waste: B
    -Waste In Space (intro)
    1. Intro/Deathripper
    2. Unleash the Bastards
    3. The Thrashin' of the Christ
    4. Sadistic Magician
    5. You're Cut Off
    6. Authority Complex
    7. Beer Pressure
    8. Thrashing's My Business....And Business Is Good
    9. Terror Shark
    10. Headbanger Face Rip
    11. Black President
    12. Mind Eraser
    13. Pre-Game/The Art of Partying/the end of Born to Party

    Before MW I had moved to the right side of the stage along the side of the rail which was a nice spot and I stayed there for most of Exodus. Exodus fucking BROUGHT it. You could tell that the thrashers were out in full force and just having an awesome time. They stayed energetic through the set too although the only songs I knew were the Bonded by Blood material.
    Exodus: B+
    1. The Ballad of Leonard and Charles
    2. A Lesson In Violence
    3. War Is My Shepherd
    4. Fabulous Disaster
    5. Blacklist
    6. Piranha
    7. Bonded By Blood
    8. Toxic Waltz
    9. Strike of the Beast
    10. Good Riddance

    Towards the end of Exodus I had moved right back to the spot I was in from Holy Grail through Shadows Fall right behind the rail in order to be there for Every Time I Die. ETID were the disappointment of the night. The mixing was pretty damn bad and sounded washed out, and most of the crowd didn’t know what to make of them. I’m not a giant fan so I didn’t know a ton of their stuff but they only played two songs I recognized. They didn’t play Wanderlust or After One Quarter of a Revolution, which surprised me because I thought Wanderlust was a set staple. Oh well. I might catch them again but I wasn’t impressed. I ended up going to the bathroom/bar to get water towards the end of their set.
    Every Time I Die: C-
    Can’t find a setlist but I know they played Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space and Holy Book of Dilemma.

    I was now back in my stage-right rail area and Hatebreed was going on. My buddy stayed with me despite his hatred for Hatebreed because he wanted to get rail for Anthrax. When they hit the stage that place got downright rowdy. The mongoloid Hatebreed fans were nowhere as bad as I expected though. There was more of a crowd push and I figured the moshing would be insane, but it was no worse than Municipal Waste or Exodus. There were definitely more crowd surfers though. Hatebreed’s mixing was fucking perfect and they put on a hell of a show. We got a 20 song set which is apparently longer than what they’ve been doing on this tour. A lot of the songs were older stuff that I didn’t recognize though. I don’t even like the song that much, but for some reason Everybody Bleeds Now was one of the heaviest live songs I’ve seen.
    Hatebreed: A-
    Setlist not in order
    1. To The Threshold
    2. Dead Man Breathing
    3. Doomsayer
    4. Everyone Bleeds Now
    5. In Ashes They Shall Reap
    6. Last Breath
    7. Beholder of Justice
    8. Puritan
    9. Smash Your Enemies
    10. Betrayed By Life
    11. Empty Promises
    12. Perseverance
    13. Honor Never Dies
    14. This Is Now
    15. Proven
    16. Before Dishonor
    17. As Diehard As They Come
    18. Live For This
    19. Destroy Everything
    20. I Will Be Heard

    Now for the last band of the night, Anthrax. Seeing them open with Among The Living kicked ass. Their mixing wasn’t as good as Hatebreed’s but still good. After the first batch of ATL songs I got some water and watched from behind the pit. Ended up jumping in the pit during Indians to keep myself awake and the rest of the set was great once I got the adrenaline going again. Got quite a few bruises but I had a great time.
    Anthrax: B+
    -Worship (intro)-
    1. Among the Living
    2. Caught In A Mosh
    3. I Am The Law
    4. N.F.L
    5. A Skeleton In the Closet
    6. March of the S.O.D
    -Hymn 1 (intro)-
    7. In The End
    8. T.N.T
    9. Madhouse
    10. Indians
    11. One World
    12. Got the Time
    13. Imitation of Life
    14. I'm The Man (partial)
    15. Anti-Social
    *They cut A.D.I/Horror of it All due to the time slot
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Shadows Fall getting a better rating than Black Breath :-q
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    That is ridiculous that they cut imitation.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    No one really gives a fuck about ATL after Indians. Honestly....
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