People at the end I'm guessing is that bunch of chicks Tara was hanging with a while back and apparently they took The Priest hence Rick's smile at the end and yes to Rosita
Did rick have that shit eating grin on his face at the end because. ..
A. He recognised someone in the crowd of people B. He saw a crowd of chicks and thought...thank fuck I can drop this dirty dreadlocked stinky bitch at last and score some fresh white pussy
People at the end I'm guessing is that bunch of chicks Tara was hanging with a while back and apparently they took The Priest hence Rick's smile at the end and yes to Rosita
There were a bunch of dudes in that group though werent there? I could swear i saw at least one or two. Thats what threw me off because i was assuming they were the chicks.
People at the end I'm guessing is that bunch of chicks Tara was hanging with a while back and apparently they took The Priest hence Rick's smile at the end and yes to Rosita
There were a bunch of dudes in that group though werent there? I could swear i saw at least one or two. Thats what threw me off because i was assuming they were the chicks.
Thought I caught that also...maybe they decided to bring some dudes in to clean the pipes but anyway the reason for the smile is because Gabriel is with them....fuck..I'll search a spoiler
Walker Stalker Con is this weekend. Im not going cuz Im going to another con next month. But its $60 to meet members of the cast. $100 to meet Negan, and $100 to meet Maggie. Wtf. On top of a $45-200 ticket and hotel fees.
Negan and Maggie are the biggest ones there though. Everyone else is either Carl or characters who already died, like Beth. Still though.
A. He recognised someone in the crowd of people
B. He saw a crowd of chicks and thought...thank fuck I can drop this dirty dreadlocked stinky bitch at last and score some fresh white pussy
Maybe they were dykes or transgender?
Maybe they're doing the alien plot in the show
But putting a knife if his head dispelled that notion
Negan and Maggie are the biggest ones there though. Everyone else is either Carl or characters who already died, like Beth. Still though.